Health & Safety
Dietary Needs
We need to know of any food allergies or restrictions in advance. Please make sure all food allergy information has been logged to CampDoc (see below) at least two weeks before you arrive. For severe dietary restrictions, you may be asked to supplement some food items.
If you have listed dietary restrictions or food allergies on your registration, please stop at the food service station or drop by the kitchen when you check in so our kitchen staff can meet your camper and make sure everything is set for the week.
Medical Records
In our continuous efforts to provide the best possible care to our campers and staff, Camp Elim is partnering with CampDoc.com to collect and work with health record information.
CampDoc.com is an electronic health record system for camps that will help us consolidate and integrate camper health information into a centralized and secure location. Their system will give our nurses and medical staff instant access to camper health information, a key component in providing quality patient care. Your information will also be saved for future years, which will save you time as you will only need to update any changes from year to year.
The security, confidentiality and privacy of your camper’s personal health information will always be protected. Only Camp Elim's health staff will have access to camper health information and the CampDoc.com site is secure, encrypted, and password protected.
When your registration has been confirmed, you will receive a “Welcome Email” from CampDoc.com with information about how to complete your camper’s health information. This will include the Camp physical and Medication forms that are required by the state to attend Camp. Your doctor will sign these and you will be able to upload them into CampDoc.com!
When you receive the email, click the link in the email to set a new password for your CampDoc.com account.
Follow the instructions, and complete the health history for your camper. Alerts will appear for any missing required information.
Upload any required documents to your CampDoc.com account.
Return to CampDoc.com at any time to make changes/updates to your camper’s health information before camp begins.
Please set register@campdoc.com as a ‘safe sender,’ to avoid accidental delivery to junk and spam folders. (Example: Add register@campdoc.com to your contacts.)
We are excited to provide you a safer, more productive and more efficient system to create the best experience for you and your family. If you have any questions, please email our registrar or call 719-687-2030.
Evacuation Policy
Though we continually pray for the safety of Camp Elim and all of its campers and staff members, we want to ensure we are always ready to respond to any sort of natural disaster or other emergency.
Camp staff members stay in regular contact with local authorities, have television coverage available, and receive frequent alerts from Teller County officials. Should it become necessary to evacuate camp, we have enough vehicles on camp grounds to safely transport all campers and staff. We also have arrangements with the local school bus company to transport if necessary. As conditions change, we will modify the destination locations.
Depending on conditions we will transport campers and staff to:
Woodland Park Community Church
800 Valley View Drive
Woodland Park, CO 80636
If Highway 24 is closed, or Woodland Park does not prove to be a viable destination option, or we have enough time to coordinate multiple locations, we will transport campers and staff to one or more of these locations:
Northeast Bible Chapel
1722 McArthur Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Littleton Bible Chapel
6023 S. Datura St.
Littleton, CO 80120
Castle Rock by the Outlets
We will make information available on our website, on our Facebook page, and on our answering machine at 719-687-2030. We will also attempt to contact parents of campers individually to keep them informed.